Dec 08, 2009 00:33
These are my least favourite shipping behaviours, as always my toungue is planted firmly in my cheek and anyone who takes this too seriously is missing the point.
1. Shipper wars: this is a casualty heavy, moronic exercise that make us all look bad so please cut the crap. All you wind proving is who the bigger bitch is anyway. (On this journal Bitch is gender non-specific term)
2. Claiming your ship represent a majority of "the fans" : here's a newsflash to all you shippers out there shows exist because millions of people watch them not just the people who post on the message boards. Unless your membership includes millions of people you cannot claim to represent the "majority" no matter how many posts, guests, and friends you have who like your ship you have over the rival ship. You have no proof that your board is an accurate representation of the fandom as a whole (in fact it probably isn't for reasons that take way too much time to cite here) so please STFU.
3. Trashing any female character who gets in the way of your ship: I am only pointing out that this as a female specific thing because for the most part it is a female specific thing, its pretty rare a male character gets trashed at all(not that that's okay) which only make things worse. Sure its fun to vent once in while but disrespecting women for the sake of it brings us all down.
4. Turning on TPTB when you don't get what you want: Just because your ship sank doesn't mean your creator grew horns and turned into the devil. Ultimately they're the one who gave you the characters/pairing you love so try to remember that before you start burning effigies and sending death threats, okay.
5. Trashing anyone who disagrees with you: Another Newsflash for many a shipper not everyone see things exactly the way you do. Wether the are big name fans, critics or even just fans who don't really ship but are here for the politics or explosions they have every right to disagree with you it the way of the internets.Harrasing them just makes you an asshole.
6. Formulating grand conspiracy theories as to why your ship sunk: Apparently shipping means your never wrong, if your ship sinks it can't be because it sucked the must be a REASON. The writers hate your ship because of some terrible personal failing on their part or the actress in your OTP is an adulteress who is in love with half the cast
7. Believing your ship is perfect : this one is more annoying than rage making but its still a major symptom of having your head up your ass so it goes on the list. No one and no relationship is perfect they all have their flaws (and if the characters don't than the show is guilty of shitty writing) so acting like pointing out these flaws is sacrilege is just assy.