Premiere Week in Review

Sep 25, 2009 22:25

1. I hated that god awful "Its not George" fakeout on Grey's last night. I understand they want to build suspense but that was just plain mean. It still makes me angry now, I may not watch Grey's any more the only person I gave a crap about last night was Cally and unless the new characters are interesting or the writers gets less blatantly manipulative and more actually interesting I'll probably be done by thanksgiving.

2. I am sick of  people who watch shows they hate and then come on to boards to complain. Its just obnoxious and ruins it for the rest of us. You are not that funny get over your self.

3. The good wife was better than expected and its been a while since I watched a law drama so I will tune in next week.  Julieanna Margulies needs to be a little less bland if I'm going to stick around or Archie Punjabi needs to become the second lead one or the other.

4. NCIS: LA didn't suck completely I really like the shrink character but the rest of the the rest of the team could use some personality especially the chick . (I think the fact that I can't even remember her name says it all) Also Chris O'Donnell needs to stop being emo yesterday Mark Harmon he is not.

5. Flash Forward was interesting their trying a little to hard to be edgy and Lost like but I'm hoping that it will calm down a little next week. It didn't help my interest level that they gave away absolutely everything good in the previews. I'm also glad the brunette FBI chick isn't being played Sprague Grayden not that she's bad but every time I see her I am reminded of Cing and all the times I wanted to be able to reach out and wrap my computer cords around his neck.

6.Melrose Place is growing on me the characters are like able and the writings pretty good it may be my new guilty pleasure.
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