
Apr 30, 2009 11:40

Not mine and there's no point in suing me anyway unless you want my firefly dvds

"Thanks for leaving you tail behind today" Kara drawled.She and Ellen were sitting by Sam's bedside again. It was becoming a daily thing although usually Kara would leave when the rest of the cylons showed up, both because she found their reverence around Sam annoying and because she needed a break. It also bothered her somewhat to remember how much fun she and Sam would have had joking about his "fanclub".

"Saul finally filled me in on the rest of the story there. It made me realize why you never seemed thrilled to have her around" Ellen replied.

"It doesn't really bother me" Kara said fussing with Sam's IV lines.

"Right just like I haven't spoken to Caprica all week because she doesn't really bother me" Ellen said grinning and pulling a flask out of her jacket and offering it to Kara.

Kara grinned grabbed the flask surreptitiously took a shot " I don't know, it seems dumb almost, I mean its not like he's about to run off with her or
anything like that, its just.... weird"

Ellen smiled "It bothers you that your husband slept with someone else, jealously is normal here" Kara passed her the flask and she took a sip.

"I don't even know if its that, its just why her? I mean its not like we're anything a like right?" Kara asked passing the flask back.

"That may have been the point" Elle said with an air of wisdom.

"Probably, I just can't seem to believe she's here for the right reasons" Kara said "Plus I can't help but feel like she thinks I'm the one who doesn't belong here"

Ellen emptied the last of the booze from the flask and said "Well Tory filled me on the rest of what happened between you and Sam while I was gone and I can why she would think what she does but of course I know better. What ever happened between you two only you two know what really happened and I think your being here speaks for itself"

"Thanks" Kara said she didn't want to have to say that half the reasons she'd quit sleeping around was because someone had compared her to Ellen. It wasn't even that she hadn't liked the comparison for the most part it was that she hadn't wanted that to be her marriage. "I can't imagine what it would be like for you though, the only aftermath I've had to deal with is the odd dirty look" she added.

"Yeah well I was gone, I half expected Saul to have been sleeping with someone else, I just didn't expect it to be this messy" Ellen said quietly.

"Is it ever not messy? Although I have to say I didn't expect Sam to have moved on. Hell to me I was only gone five minutes" Kara grumbled.

Ellen laughed "You might have a point there, I just wish there was a way out without hurting everyone involved"

Kara looked at her sceptically "You know there isn't, Hell you would know that better than I would"

Ellen sighed "I know I just don't like it"

"You can't do much about it anyway" Kara said simply

"I know" Ellen said sighing again.

They sat silently for a few minutes and Kara actually started to drift off to sleep, Ellen stood up and put a blanket over her, the poor girl obviously needed sleep and Ellen doubted she'd get it if she went back to her quarters she arranged her in a semi comfortable position in the chair with her head on Sam's bed and left quietly.

fic, bsg. kara/sam

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