TV random round-up

Feb 01, 2011 20:39

1. I just want to say this while its fresh in my mind but tonight NCIS was AWESOME. Every once in a while the show really steps up and becomes something really bigger than just another procedural and tonight was one of those nights. The actress playing Gunny(who I loved since she was on cheesy old FX the series) was amazing you could see exactly what happened to her in every movement and it tore my heart out to watch(especially because she had a very strong resemblance  story wise to my own abuser and even somewhat physically). I still knew who the killer was ten secounds after he appeared on screen but as I 've said before that doesn't really matter, this show can be great at telling stories because the good stuff isn't the last five minutes its everything before that.
2 Now on to the disappointing tv experiences, I've been watching Off the Map and I am very unhappy. I know its only two episodes in but the lack of locals on the show as real characters is already grating and I hate that its all about the white people. The show feels very mighty whitey which is a real shame because it had such an interesting premise.
3. The Game is BACK !!! I'm so excited about that, I'm slightly worried about the lack of Jason and Kelly since their my faves but Tasha Mack is still fierce so I am still fairly happy. Also please watch I know its sounds silly buts its really smart and the most feminist show on tv (IMO anyway)
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