В интервью по ссылке Натан Филлион проговаривается о новом проекте Джосса Уэдона, в котором будет участвовать: "It's a western. I'll tell you that, it's a western."
UPD: Натан прояснил ситуацию: "Did I write out two wee scenarios for a western and send them to Joss? Yeah. It was cool.
Is said western (already a property and not mine) in development? Yes. But not by Joss or myself.
Would I like to be involved? Yes, if they don't sue me for being quoted as developing it myself.
IGN? You're killin' me.
Return to your day, and thank you.
Nathan" Короче, совместного Уэдоно-филлионского "кина не будет".