WALL(S) + ICON(S): 20 FS/SG Icons + 10 Assort.Wallpapers

Oct 23, 2010 19:15

 Now it's time for Part 2 of my scifiland Big Bang - wallpapers & icons! You'll have to forgive me if some of these are somewhat simplistic in design...I got tired. Apparently trying to make 10 wallpapers and 20 icons in the span of a day takes its toll on your wrists. ANYWAY, I started out with a theme (couples + female characters) but then I saw a pretty picture of Sawyer and that went out the window. As it is, all of the icons are either Farscape or SG-1. The wallpapers cover a little more range (including: Dollhouse, SGU, SG-1, Lost, Farscape, Battlestar)












icons: vala mal doran, wallpapers: vala/daniel, wallpapers: cam/sam, wallpapers: other show, icons: sg-1, wallpapers: all, wallpapers: vala, icons: vala/daniel, wallpapers: sg-1, icons: all, icons: cam/sam, wallpapers: dollhouse, icons: farscape

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