I occurs to me that I never pimped this on my LJ, so here goes...
What Is It? Secret Santa, Daniel/Vala-style. Everyone who signs up will both MAKE a gift and RECEIVE a gift!!
When Is It? Sign-Ups start now and end October 30th. You will have from November 1st until December 20th to make your gifts.
Who Is It For? All Daniel/Vala fans! Doesn't matter if you're a writer, an artist, a vidder, or just like to make fanmixes. This exchange is open to everyone regardless of skill-set or preferred medium!
We could really use more people this year, as only 7 individuals have signed up so far! Even if you're not active in the SG fandom anymore, I encourage you to participate! Writing a short fic, making a wallpaper, or putting together a fanmix just once a year is a nice way to honor the show and the kickassness that was Daniel/Vala. If you don't want to participate for D/V, then participate for me :P It makes Stef happy when people participate!