Thanks to all those who voted with the extension. :D All ties were broke and this made me a very happy mod! ;) Also, I just have to say how gorgeous ALL of these icons were! I had a really hard time picking only two MCs and I ended up leaving a whole bunch of additional comments on the icons when I voted. Well done you guys! Here are the results for Challenge 7 (Blend)!
First place (5 points):
relaxjolene (+10)
Second place (4 points):
thisisagift (+9)
Third place (3 points):
pairodocs (+7)
Best interpretation of the theme (2 points):
pairodocs (+4)
Mod's choice (1 point):
leaves_lorienBATMAN! :D Aside from the epicness of Batman(!) I really love the composition of this and how you blended the two pics!
Mod's choice (1 point):
_childish_fearsI love the colored pic blended with the black and white pic! And the color being a little bit on the black and white just adds so much depth to this icon. Gorgeous.
I've also updated
the spreadsheet!
***If you'd like to see your feedback, just leave the
number of your icon in a comment to this post and make sure you indicate whether you'd like the feedback screened or unscreened!