What is this place?
A community for creative pieces that feature both characters or actors from Supernatural and science fiction.
What can I post here?
- Fic, art, vids, podfic, poetry, amigurumi, or any other creative endeavor that celebrates any character or actor from Supernatural in a science fiction environment.
- Recs for any of the above.
- RPF is allowed
- Crossovers are allowed, as are fusions.
- Looking for recs is not allowed. You can try spnstoryfinders
- If you would like to pimp a similar community, page a mod and we'll let you know if it's okay. It probably will be.
- There are plans in the future for commentmemes and other challenges. Stay tuned.
What are the rules for posting?
- Any work you're posting to the comm should be under an lj cut. Don't know what an LJ-cut is? See here.
- Some sort of header is required. This could just be the title and the name. We're not too worried about the exact format, but here are some guidelines:
- If you are posting something that involves character death, nonconsensual sex, or graphic depictions of violence, you must post a warning. The warning can be under spoiler tags if you so choose. Choose not to warn counts as a warning
- If you are posting something that is overtly sexually suggestive, please post a rating. (Mature, R/NC-17, or just plain NSFW) Ratings are optional otherwise, but generally appreciated.
- If you're linking to something posted elsewhere, please make sure it's not friendslocked.
What about tags?
Tags are useful little things. Please tag your posts, it means that the mods don't have to go back and try and do it for you. Use as many as are applicable. If you see tags we don’t have, page a mod and we’ll add one for you.
But what counts as science fiction?
Coming up with a good definition is harder than it looks, so bear with me on this: Creative work which features a setting that extrapolates upon existent ideas or technologies in a way that creates something that is not currently in existence. These ideas and technologies can be in existence today, but be anachronistic to the setting. The differing technology doesn't have to be the focus of the work, but it should be there.
Speculative Fiction is allowed.
Straight-up fantasy is not allowed. Nothing against fantasy, but this is a science fiction comm. The answer to why this weird thing occurred should be 'science did it', not 'a wizard did it'. There's obviously a lot of wiggle room here. If it's in the scifi/fantasy grey area, we'll allow it. For instance, wizards are okay if they are also robots. Or maybe the product of genetic engineering.
Non-AU works could be allowed, but there has to be a sci-fi approach taken to them. If you spend time on the pathology of the Croatoan virus, for instance, or write something involving the physics behind Castiel being a wavelength, that is allowed. Again, just make sure that the answer is clearly 'science did it'. You are allowed to create pieces based on the works of Margaret Atwood.
What about steampunk?
Steampunk can come play, too. That also goes for cyberpunk, dieselpunk, clockpunk, stonepunk, sandalpunk, or any other !punk setting you can think of. If you're featuring technology that has cosmetic similarities to what was historically accurate to the setting, but whose use is significantly more advanced, you're okay.
I have a question that's not answered here. What should I do?
Either PM a mod or reply to this entry. We'll be updating this as we go along.