sunday night

Mar 28, 2010 22:18

So, I'm going to try and update my journal more often.  I've been so lazy lately!

This weekend was low-key.  I went out for drinks on Friday with some friends and stayed in on Saturday.  Daryl was DJing a buck'n'doe for some people I didn't know well.  He prefers if I stay home when he's working the music anyhow.

I started working on my taxes.  Looks like I get a whopping refund of $3.  Don't worry, I won't spend it all in one place. :P

I'm catching up on Sanctuary now.  The show is watchable but not very good.  There is something missing (less predictable scripts perhaps?).  Amanda Tapping does a great job of separating the character of Magnus from Carter.  I'll probably watch season three - gotta support Canadian scifi.

I'm sure I have sufficiently annoyed everyone with my entry in the "Best Travel Job Ever".  I've learn so much about social marketing.  It has been heavily suggested by the contest people that I promote my link all over the web.  The contest ends April 30th and I'm going to try to get interviews with my local radio, newspaper and TV.

I think I have a chance since six winners will be chosen out of 25 and they chose to put clips of my video on nation-wide news.  As time passes more and more people are entering with slick videos who have journalism/video broadcast backgrounds.  Thy make me scowl - especially the girls who appear in bikinis.

Annoying time!
Anyone can vote each day - if you are non Canadian click on "no- I don't want to win free prizes".
Remember supporters get postcards if I win!
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