what is up with Sara

Dec 28, 2008 14:04

I went to Chicago Tardis last month with a great crew of people.  I costumed as Donna and Sarah Jane Smith.  It was a fun experience but there were multiple problems with organization.  (for example: guests, attendees and staff were told different times for photo sessions leading to chaos)  I don't think I'd go back unless they get an awesome guest.

One of my fillings fell out and I had an emergency trip to the dentist.  The dentist said he could try and fix it without freezing.  I said forget the anesthesia and suffered through the pain to get it fixed.  I just wanted to get it done and not have to deal with a frozen mouth for the rest of the morning.  There was study done that said redheaded women have a higher pain threshold.:)

Christmas was alright.  I gave Daryl a Dr. Who calendar.  He gave me a bird feeder.  whoo!

Well we are going on a HUGE trip in one month so our funds are tied up in that.  We are leaving on January 29th for 25 days visiting: Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Macau, Hong Kong and China.

I have the entire trip figured out.  All the flights and hotel/hostel rooms have been reserved.  I have some activities arranged (eg. visiting an elephant sanctuary in Malaysia) but for the most part we'll go with the flow.  I'm really excited to get back to 'Nam and visit with my second family.

In two weeks I will be going to Pasedena to help out at the Battlestar Galactica prop auction.  Here is the website if you are interested in bidding  http://www.battlestarprops.com/

Daryl and I plan on taking off to Cuba April 5-12 on a last minute package deal.  I hate resorts but I'm willing to bend my rules since Daryl is coming with me on the Asia Trip.  It has been a couple years since my last visit to the Caribbean.  We'd like to stay in Varadero since it is a short drive away from Havana.  You know I'd be day tripping there! My brothers might come along.  If you are interested (Alana maybe?) let me know!
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