(no subject)

Dec 14, 2015 13:52

So alas posting this from work on my lunch break means I can't add photos but Saturday I organised a bunch of people to go down and see Louise's panto in Tunbridge Wells. It was LOADS of fun.

Five of us met up at the station and headed down together, much discussion of Doctor Who happened. Lou had suggested we meet before the play as she had to run off afterwards for her son's engagement party. We got to the theatre and it was still going on, so we collected tickets and bought programmes and then headed across the street to the bar in the incredibly posh hotel, where Richard joined us. I was a bit concerned the posh hotel would refuse to serve us, as that happened at the last posh pub I was at after a fantom signing, but it was all fine! Louise showed up about 10 mintues after we got there. She sat and chatted with us for about half an hour and signed autos for the boys, before having to run back across the road to get back into her costume!

We headed back across the road for the play. I'd bought us 2nd row tickets, which ended up being front row because the front row was empty. (Though they ended up being much more to the side than they looked like on the website). Still the panto was HILARIOUS. I don't think I'd been to a panto in decades and forgotten how delightfully camp they are. Lou had mentioned earlier that the director had told them they couldn't have Buttons bend the prince over and pretend to have butt sex with him, but in the end he did give him a MASSIVE snog. The prince had one outfit of shining leggings where he had more tucking going on than the ugly sisters. The Ugly Sisters were Brilliant drag queens. They must have had about 20 outfits (including nuns, and a christmas tree) I laughed so hard! Considering this is considered children's entertainment it really is a wonder that any kids in England grow up straight! Louise was lovely as the fairy godmother, beautiful glittery dress, a very curly red wig, and a wand of fairy lights. (Paul and I bought replica wands on the way home).

All told I think everybody had a brilliant time and we all decided to make panto going a regular Christmas tradition!
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