Oh yes. I rule in the art of Flash, no doubt.
Dance magic dance.
(If the link doesn't work, try to copy&paste
http://kuroiokami.sphosting.com/danselaila.swf in a new window. It should work then.)
I've ordered a new laptop! Nothing fancy really, since me nor my dad can afford that. But it's more than ok. The only problem is that the goddamn people at Elprice haven't sent it yet, even though it said on the website that it would get posted within 24 hours. I hope I get it today or tomorrow, I can't stand the waiting anymore! I've been sharing computer with my dad for the past two months or something, ever since my old laptop died and refused to get bringed back to life.
Perhaps I'll even upgrade my Anarchy Online account when I get my new computer.
It's smaller than my last laptop, so perhaps I'll even bother to take it with me to school, haha.