Heyo! scifi_lemon here!

Jul 01, 2007 19:37

Hi guys! I'm going to start off this journal by giving you a few words of wisdom or as I like to call it, "Lemon Pips" ;)

Pip #1: "Some links are better left unclicked." Nuff said.

Pip #2: "When life gives you lemons you squirt them in other people's eyes." Not mine but food for thought none-the-less.

Pip #3: "I'm not mean, you're just a sissy." Again not an original lemon pip, but a good saying anyways.

Pip #4: "Social life is a game where you never know all the rules, but somehow know you're losing." Ah, a sage maxim from the sweet and sour mouth of scif_lemon. Bask in its awesomeness.

Pip #5: "Agree to disagree." or "It's okay, you have the right to be wrong. Truce?" These phrases will save you many headaches. As will the next pip...

Pip #6: "I'll do whatever you feel like doing." This got me through my childhood.  Smile and nod, my friends. Smile and nod.  It will save you much pain and suffering.

I cannot think of anymore right now, but if I do, I will post more here.

On another topic, my fanfic 'To Build a Nuke' has been delayed a few days. I plan to have it to my betas TexasMom and Gremblin tomorrow and they'll give it back the day after that. This chapter was KILLING me (really. I have the mental scars to prove it :P), but I have won!

I thought, I wrote, I conquered. In your face Chapter Nine!!!

Wow, I really am crazy. Oh well. What can ya do?

Now I shall save more blabbing for tomorrow. Tootles!

lemon pips 1-6, welcome, hey everybody

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