I made a silly and forgot to post the 24-hour warning yesterday, so instead I'm extending prompt-taking for 24 hours! Prompt-taking will close whenever I get around to it tomorrow.
- Your Forgetful Friendly Neighborhood Mod
PS: If you'd like to pimp the last 24 hours of prompting, feel free to take the following code:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v350/kiarasayre/scifighetto.png" alt="We're bringing science back." />
Bring your geekiest Trek fanfic prompts to the SciFi Ghetto - accepting prompts for twenty-four more hours! Prompt post is
http://community.livejournal.com/scifi_ghetto/961.html">here; FAQ is
http://community.livejournal.com/scifi_ghetto/657.html#cutid1">here; userinfo
What it will display is under the cut:
Bring your geekiest Trek fanfic prompts to the SciFi Ghetto - accepting prompts for twenty-four more hours! Prompt post is
here; FAQ is
here; userinfo
Feel free to modify as you wish!