Apr 15, 2009 17:43
Hello. Hi There. Welcome to the event. How are you? Good journey? Congratulations on making it this far. If you just want to wait here a moment until we have a big enough crowd then we’ll set out. It’s better when there are more of us. You’ll see. Being part of a crowd is what being a fan is all about.
Fans travel best in convoy.
Is everyone ready? To boldly go where you’ve never gone before? Or where many of you probably HAVE gone before but without ever realising it. Good. Then we can begin.
(Move into space, standing before group)
Now, you may be surprised to hear this but its true. What I tell you today is all based on fact; fact that has developed from fiction, or rather a love of fiction that is present in every one of us. We all have it in us. The possibility. The potential. To become a Fan.
Have you ever watched a regular TV series? Cried at a movie? Read a book all in one go? Have you gone to work or school or college and discussed that latest issue or episode you saw the night before? Yes? Then you’re already close. The possibility is there, right in front of you. All you need to do, is take a step.
(Begin to move audience towards DVDs, books, pictures etc)
Each Fan’s journey will begin in a different way, dependent on the medium to which it is attached. And yet whether you’re obsessing over your new favourite TV show or the latest bestseller, it is likely that the first forays into fandom will be taken alone.
You purchase the DVDs with your hard earned cash or spend the evening in listening to that brand new CD release. And then there’s such a sense of joy comes from this that it can block out all the things you don’t like about life. Suddenly, you don’t have to listen to them calling out, or complaining, or telling you your no good or too good or never good enough. You’ve found a place to travel to, to escape within.
You’ve taken the first step towards becoming a Fan. You’re A Watcher.
The Watcher revels in the excitement and stories that their chosen fandom induces, and enjoys nothing more than spending time and money indulging in their vice. They take pleasure in activating their imagination and allowing that to enhance their experience of the music they hear or the characters they follow to something beyond mere passive viewing. The Watcher will often find themselves losing more and more time to daydreams. Wishes. Wants.
To travel within ones own imagination is a thing we all share with the entire human race. But for potential-fans the indulgence of imagination isn’t enough. The pictures are nice and the stories might be gripping but there comes a point where a Watcher can no longer stand still and be a passive observer. They go from enjoying a show to wanting more from it, from just thinking about it to talking about it too. These are the basics of being a Fan.
It continues with a more forceful forward motion, a thrust into the unknown realm of the ‘Fan Community’. Be it virtual or vocal the Fledgling-Fan will eventually find some way to talk to others about their chosen fandom.
(To computers)
These dialogues may begin anonymously, hidden behind quirky screen names and painstakingly created member profiles on a hundred different forums. Or they could be an awkward step into a café or shop where like-minded folk are said to wander. Either way it is often a nerve-wracking experience. But one thing that seasoned Fans will agree on is that the nerves quickly fade. In fact, very soon, it feels like coming home.
Once outside-contact has been established by the Fledgling-Fan there comes an urge to demonstrate one’s allegiance to their chosen side. This can be through what you wear, words you say, or simply by showing the determination to stay up until 3am GMT simply to catch an online live chat with people halfway across the globe… every Tuesday night.
(Clothes etc)
It’s about pride. Belonging. And for the Fledgling-Fan, these things, these moments - that mark us as both same and different simultaneously - can be a great confidence giver. Through fandom, you start to find yourself.
From this point the development of the Fledgling can take multiple turns, entering and exploring the territory of one or more of the different Fan varieties.
Perhaps they will become a Convention-Goer, developing their initial communications with other Fans even further by attending the official gatherings of the community. Whether promoted by professionals in the industry or created and run by other Fans, these events can last for anything from a day to an entire weekend, and can occur in one brave person’s living room, or on a continent across the globe in a hotel large enough to house them all. Travel is an integral part in the Con-Goer’s existence and the distances that are eagerly crossed to be in Real-Life contact with fellow Fans are near limitless. They take the initial idea of forward propulsion and run with it, allowing it to bring them amazing life experiences as well as the chance for fan-to-fan contact.
For some though this contact is undesirable, or perhaps not financially or geographically viable. The Solo-Fan can still take great pleasure in being part of the community however, finding other ways to gather that sought after sense of belonging.
(To action figures, autos, merch etc)
For Collectors, seeking and gathering are paramount in their enjoyment of fandom. The need to possess items connected to it can be a strong one, driving many to spend long nights trawling internet auctions and then getting up and working long hours to feed the habit. The Collector may have a fetish for particular items, such as action figures or autographs, or their need may simply span the wide range of both official and unofficial merchandise available. Whatever it is, owning the most, the best, the rarest or simply their favourites can often pale in comparison to the pleasure of the initial purchase. The actual find.
(To Fic etc - if there is a section for this??)
The virtual world is a veritable gold mine of fan meetings, of both the conversational and the creative. Every developed fandom will boast at least some Contributor Fans. Utilising skills from their Real-Life these Fans can be characterised by a need that is different from the wanting that fills the Watcher; these Fans need to give back to their community. To become a contributor to fandom is seen by some as the key to discovering one’s inner Fan.
Writers, aka Fan-ficcers - penning what is known as fan-fiction to embellish, add to and expand on the universe the fandom is based upon.
Artists, aka Fan-artists - who create images, manipulations, music videos and even their own merchandise type goods in order to express their commitment to the fandom.
Roleplayers - who use their imaginations to inhabit the world of the fandom and the characters within it, playing out new scenarios in the virtual (and occasionally real) world
Cosplayers - an extension of the above, these Fans create costumes from their fandom and wear them as the ultimate symbol of allegiance and imagination.
** Meg voice: “I don't know a fandom where something like that doesn't happen. I haven't found one yet.”**
Finally, there are those whose passion for the fandom is too much to keep inside one single community or indeed a single Fan. These are the Converters, whose aim to spread the joy of their fandom can make them at once endearing and a little scary. There are varying levels of Converter, from those who spread the word within their own family and social circle, to those who will actively advertise their fandom at public events and to other fans of similar fandoms.
But do not fear, you whose journey into fandom may still be a step away, their intentions are always of the best kind. A Fan’s love for their fandom may extend to gushing praise in public places, but each Fan is most at home in the community they belong to, and will always choose the chance to squee with others like them over the need to seek out potential fledglings. After all, that first push into fandom must, as has already been explained, be made alone. They have done it. And they will be waiting for you, should you chose to look for them.
The question is, will you take that step?
Or have you already?