Terribly sorry about this! I mis-tagged and lost an entire icon set when I first saved the icons, so we actually have 31 icons to vote on, not 30! Everyone needs to revote in these new polls. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience!
→ Consider all the icons before you vote. You should vote not only on the quality of the icon but how well it fits the given theme. → Do not vote for your own icons. If you do, I will require you to revote. → Everyone is allowed to vote. More votes are better than less! → Only one icon can win for each theme. If there is a tie, I will post a tie breaker before the end of the month. → If any icon is not showing up, let me know right away so I can fix it. Please do not vote if you cannot see all the icons. → Please continue to check for the rest of the polls as they are posted!