Round 29: Themes

Aug 01, 2012 13:42

    → You must be signed up to participate in this round. You must be a member to get posting access. Signs ups will remain open until the end of the round.
    → The challenge will be closed roughly at midnight EST on the 20th.
    → Icons should be: no more than 40kb, 100x100px, not animated, PG-13 at most, new and made specifically for this challenge, made by you.
    → Icons can be posted here or linked to at a journal/community of your choice. Posts must remain public until the round ends.
    → Icons must fit your claim.
    → Please tag your posts with the following format: entries: round twenty-nine, participant: yourname, round: twenty-nine, claim: fandom
    → If you would like a participation banner, please say so in either your post to this community or the post with your icon table.
    → Post with 3 teaser icons. No more, no less.
    → Please, try to comment on each others posts!


1. Earth Tones :: This icon should be mainly in earth tones - colors you’d find naturally in the earth such as dirt, moss, trees and rocks. Please check out this color scheme resource for more colors.
2. Resourceful :: For this icon, you should use at least texture from this texture pack by fuuurs @ bourbonate. The textures don’t have to be visible, just use them somehow. You can also find all the textures here at the bottom of the post!
3. Contrasting Colors :: Should contain at least two strong colors that contrast with each other (such as yellow and purple, green and red, orange and blue etc)
4. Group :: This icon should contain three or more people in it.
5. Quote :: Your icon must have text on it that contains a quote from the show/movie/comic you are iconning.

6. Sick
7. Professional
8. Emotive
9. Pfeffer :: Please be inspired by this poem by Elisabeth Pfeffer
10. Spooky

5 Facets
Show 5 different sides to your claim (or a part of your claim)- 5 different parts of a character’s personality, 5 different sides to a relationship, 5 different moods of a movie, etc. For instance, you could show a character being funny, serious, generous, self sacrificing and angry if those were five parts of their personality.

Artist’s Choice
5 free icons! Anything you want, as long as it fits your claim.

Here’s your handy-dandy code table. Just paste in your theme urls and you are good to go.


earth tonesresourcefulcontrasting colorsgroupquote

CATEGORY - 5 Facets




If you have any questions or need more examples, let me know here.

mod: info, round: twenty-nine

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