Round 28 :: Themes

Jun 30, 2012 21:26

    → You must be signed up to participate in this round. You must be a member to get posting access.
    → The challenge will be closed roughly at midnight EST on the 20th.
    → Icons should be: no more than 40kb, 100x100px, not animated, PG-13 at most, new and made specifically for this challenge, made by you.
    → Icons can be posted here or linked to at a journal/community of your choice. Posts must remain public until the round ends.
    → Icons must fit your claim.
    → Please tag your posts with the following format: entries: round twenty-eight, participant: yourname, round: twenty-eight, claim: fandom
    → If you would like a participation banner, please say so in your post to this community.
    → Post with 3 teaser icons. No more, no less.
    → Please, try to comment on each others posts!

Technical Themes
1. Borders - Your icon must include borders, either along the top and bottom, at each side or all around.

pointblankdarcy airymaze twinstrike

2. Extreme Crop - This crop must be extreme in some way- extreme close up, cut off the face or extreme negative space.

vampire_sessah justmyb0nes mm3butterfly

3. Silhouette - Make someone’s shadow or silhouette a main part of your icon.

likealight krazykate2 boxed

4.Scenery - This icon should include the original background of the screencap as a focus.

fancifull ofraindrops iulieki

5. Strong Contrast Make an icon with heavy contrast, deep shadows and bright highlights.

vampire-sessah absolutelybatty daynawashere

Interpretive Themes
6. Friend or Foe
7. Secrets
8. Isolated
9. Spice
10. Machine

My Style
Make 5 icons that highlight different parts of your style as an icon maker, the things you think you do really well or are your favorites to do.

Artist’s Choice
5 free icons! Anything you want, as long as it fits your claim.

Here’s your handy-dandy code table. Just paste in your theme urls and you are good to go.


bordersextreme cropsilhouettescenerystrong contrast
friend or foesecretsisolatedspicemachine





If you have any questions or need more examples, let me know here.

mod: info, round: twenty-eight

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