Round Fourteen: The Walking Dead (comics and TV show)

Apr 21, 2011 21:39

This round I had The Walking Dead, and since I had access to a Volume One compendium, there are some comic icons as well as live action.

Warning: This is a freaking zombie show. There are zombies and blood in the icons. If you're uncomfortable with that, I'll understand if you choose not to look at the icons. Just wanted to warn in case anyone's easily squicked. Thanks!   ETA: I copied the warning when I copied the rest of my submission when I was cross-posting.  I'm leaving the warning up just to be safe, but I just wanted to assure everyone that the icons are not terribly graphic.

Totally safe previews:


View all thirty (30) icons by clicking here.

I would greatly appreciate a participation banner, thanks.  :)

ETA: Is there not a tag for The Walking Dead?  Sadness.  :(

claim: the walking dead, round: fourteen, entries: round fourteen, participant: beautifulntime

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