Feedback Post

Feb 24, 2011 13:36

First off, I had to redo voting a few times so even if you think you've already voted, please go and double check! I apologize for the inconvenience and have come up with a plan so it won't happen again.

This is the feedback post for Round 12! Tell me what you loved, what made you want to tear your eyeballs out, what you think I can do better and so on.

In particular, it's always helpful to me to hear what types of themes you all enjoy and what kinds are harder for you. If you have any specific theme suggestions, feel free to leave them here and I may just use them next round.

Also, what did you guys think of this odd round? Would you be interested in doing one again? Every 10 rounds? Every 5 rounds? Tell me your thoughts.

Don't forget to sign up for Round 13! There are 7 spots left. Sign up here.

Finally, would anyone be able to make participation banners this round? Thank you!

round: twelve, feedback post

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