Because I like talking about myself, Katie (
omgcats) gave me seven interests of mine that I will now explain to the best of my ability.
midnight apple pie: There is nothing better than being a little drunk, then convincing someone to take a walk to a 24-hour diner and ordering apple pie with you. It is comforting, pie at any time you want. And it doesn't hurt that apple pie is severely delicious.
bears bears bears bears: At a certain moment in my life, I had about ten different friends with whom bears were a big deal. We made tons of bear jokes and bear puns, and learned a bunch of bear facts, and made cards for each other with bears on them. Even just saying the word "bear" would cause us to burst into hysterics. Why are bears so hilarious? I don't even know, but if it gets a laugh, then that's that.
poverty comics: Poverty Comics are a series of comics, consisting of Poverty; Poverty High; and Povertyville, drawn by my good friend Roxanne Wright, who is incredible and a great woman. They are funny and insightful and I don't know, maybe I have a bias because she drew me into a few comics. She made me look like Tintin.
bips: Dutch slang for "butt". It makes me laugh. It also comes in handy when I can't swear.
evolutional botany: Biology jokez are pretty lame. We were discussing evolution and some kid went, "what about the fucking plants, man? What about evolutional botany? No one ever mentions the plants! They matter more than us meat sacks!" and then stormed out of the room. I kind of love the term evolutional botany. It makes no sense.
vageniuses: Lesbians? See the movie Eulogy for this one. Also, for a media project where we created our own record label, I called it Vagenius Records. I rule.
old man bartenders: What more can be said about this one? Old man bartenders have seen it all, and they have that weird old man charm where you kind of think they may be hitting on you, but you don't mind because they are a product of a different time, and sometimes they let you get away with not paying full price when you're short on money. And sometimes on really bad days, they just give you a drink and listen. They're like a friend's dad or something.