Pretty! ::pets:: I love what you've done (my attempts at colour bars always look garish *g*) and I love that you've chosen him looking so happy, bless the man.
Thanks! *blows kisses* I tried to get the colours muted but it's harder than it looks. For me anyway *g* And yeah he's so gorgeous when he's smiling *sigh* Well he's gorgeous anyway, lol, but smiling is sweet ^^
Comments 4
pretty colourfulness! is that first font Jane Austen?
(I phrased it like a question, but I know that it is. - I has mad font spotting skillz.)
*Pokes font addict*
Pretty! ::pets:: I love what you've done (my attempts at colour bars always look garish *g*) and I love that you've chosen him looking so happy, bless the man.
I tried to get the colours muted but it's harder than it looks. For me anyway *g*
And yeah he's so gorgeous when he's smiling *sigh* Well he's gorgeous anyway, lol, but smiling is sweet ^^
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