It seems this questionare is floating about. This type of thing is a goldmine for those like me who enjoy learning data, even if that data is what others think. So, in the spirit of the meme, I will do it as well.
1. I do. Love doesn't have to be towards a person 9. Close 13. Would you like that. If you wish I will. I do love science. 16. And it feels very awkward to me. I'm not the tyoe of person who gets hugged often. 19. Indeed. I would also have accepted Hakase, or Mad Scientist
1. Than I guess it would be taking notes and doing experiments ^^ 9. Than what is it? o.o? 13. Yes~ please~ 16. Awww... I'll have to do it more so you get used to it~ 19. HAHA! Mad Scientist~! I love it~!
1. Oshitari hit the nail on the head. My true love is Knowledge. Data. 13. The science lab 16. To be honest, I find human contact awkward in general. I never know how to react. My data won't tell me as there are too many variables to contend with. So I end up standing there like an idiot...a profession I am not please to have for any length of time.
9. Close
13. Would you like that. If you wish I will. I do love science.
16. And it feels very awkward to me. I'm not the tyoe of person who gets hugged often.
19. Indeed. I would also have accepted Hakase, or Mad Scientist
9. Than what is it? o.o?
13. Yes~ please~
16. Awww... I'll have to do it more so you get used to it~
19. HAHA! Mad Scientist~! I love it~!
9. I like Techno
13. Wednesdays?
16. .........
9. Heh, close enough~
13. Work fine~
16. Do you really not want me to that badly?
13. The science lab
16. To be honest, I find human contact awkward in general. I never know how to react. My data won't tell me as there are too many variables to contend with. So I end up standing there like an idiot...a profession I am not please to have for any length of time.
16. You just need to get used to it is all. And you know what they say - learn through experience~
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