Attention to the residents of Red Crayon Academy. [Video]

Feb 28, 2010 08:30

A man appears on the video link wearing a labcoat, he brushes some dust off his shoulders and looks straight at the camera the entire time he is speaking although it is impossible to see his eyes due to the sheer thickness of the glasses he is wearing.

My welcome to the teaching staff and of course the students within this residence. My name is Professor Hojo, I have come here to lend my expertise since it has come to my attention that this school is currently sorely understaffed in the way of anything medical and has been that way for some time now.

Reading through these notes that were left on the desk, I can see that most if not all of you are long overdue for a check up. This shall be remedied immediately. No exceptions allowed.

Comment here with a time that is suitable for you, however be warned, it must be within this week. I am a busy man after all, and would rather not expend my time by chasing you down and dragging you through to the medical office.

If by the end of the week I have not seen you all, those who have not been seen will be reminded only once, after that, be prepared for the consequences.

That will be all.

The camera switches off
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