Siren's Pull ☼ Application

Aug 28, 2011 23:21

Player Information
Name: Raven
Age: 20
AIM SN: RainRaven4711
email: PM my personal journal rainraven4711 (preferred) or send an email to (please put Sirens Pull in the subject so I don't accidentally think it's junk.)
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes.
Currently Played Characters: Domon Kasshu.
Conditional: Activity Check Link: Here. I was on hiatus in August; I hope July's is okay.
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: Here.

Character Information
Canon Source: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Canon Format: Video game.
Character's Name: Ema Skye
Character's Age: 16
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take? Her NV looks like a cute blue flip phone. Steel Samurai ringtone included.

Character's Canon Abilities:
She has a natural talent for forensic investigation, and knows a lot more about it than the average 16 year old.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?
I'm going to give her the power to phase through solid objects. When her powers first manifest, they will only be active for a few seconds at a time, and her whole body will be affected. Thankfully there are two "safety mechanisms" built into her power. The first is that her powers will not turn off while she is phasing through an object, so she will not get stuck. This will only affect the parts of her body currently phasing, however, so that if her feet are phasing through the floor when her powers turn off she'll be able to pull one foot out and put it on solid ground so she can then pull the other foot out. The second is that she will initially phase through objects very slowly; that way she won't accidentally fall into the Earth's crust. With time and practice she will slowly get better at using her powers. First she will learn how to turn her powers on and off at will. Then be able to turn her powers on for only specific portions of her body, so that she'd be able to reach into a locker without having to worry about her feet phasing through the floor for example. She will also learn how to control the speed at which she phases, so that she can quickly hop through a solid wall, be able to stop her movement entirely, or even go for a "swim" in solid rock. She will likely learn to control her power within a few months, although it will take her much longer to learn to control it well.

She will also be able to phase any object she is touching, including people. While phasing, she and anyone else affected will be able to talk and breathe normally. This way, she will be able to "hide" inside a solid object and still be able to talk on her NV for example. The "safeguard" that keeps her from getting stuck in objects will also apply to other people until they're out of the object, even if she lets go of them. She will not pass out while her powers are being forced "on" by being inside something. However, this will be extremely draining for her, especially at first. So for example if she's caught outside at night she'll be able to slip through a Darkness-proofed building no problem, but won't be able to hide "inside" of something for the entire night.

Weapons: None, unless you want to count the luminol and fingerprint powder in her bag.

Character History: Here on the Ace Attorney wiki. Only the "Early Life" and "Involvement in the SL-9" sections of her history are relevant to the point in canon I'm taking her from.

Point in Canon: Post-"Rise from the Ashes". Only a few minutes will have passed between the end of the case and her arrival in the Port.

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:
Ema is not one to hide her feelings. She is generally a very happy and cheerful individual, and is unwaveringly optimistic and loyal. She doesn't really do any emotion halfway, and she doesn't bother hiding her feelings. When she does try to hide her feelings, she fails at it horribly. While she can get a little mad sometimes, it takes a lot before she'll become truly angry.

Ema is also extremely intelligent for her age, but she's not very wise. In fact, she is extremely naive. She has a tendency to state the obvious and anything that's subtle or implied will go right over her head.

She has devoted her life to science; specifically, the science of forensic investigation. She tries to look at and analyze everything using scientific methods. This is because of what happened during the "SL-9 Incident" two years ago. She felt helpless then because she couldn't remember what happened, and she never wants to experience that sense of helplessness ever again.

Speaking of the "SL-9" incident, never bring it up around her. Ever. At best she will become extremely awkward and uncomfortable. At worst - and far more likely - she'll completely panic. In the game when Ema realized that SL-9 referred to the Joe Darke Killings, she frantically insisted that that was "over" before running off.

She also has some abandonment issues. First her parents died when she was too young to really remember them. Then after SL-9 her sister withdrew from her and became "cold," and Jake dropped out of her life entirely until the events of the game. Thus, if she begins to care about someone, she can be a bit clingy for fear of losing them.

Despite the change in Lana's personality Ema still loves her sister very much. That said, they didn't really get along anymore, at least until after the end of the trial. After learning about what really happened Ema realized she'd get her "real" sister back eventually, so those two are on better terms again. As for Jake, she thinks of him like a big brother. As Jake and Lana were dating up until the events of SL-9 Ema fully accepted him into her makeshift family.

She greatly admires detectives and forensic investigators for their ability to use science to find evidence. She also greatly admires prosecutors for their ability to interpret that scientific evidence to find the truth of the case and make sure justice prevails. This is probably were her naivete shows the most. However because she grew up around prosecutors and detectives she refuses to think ill of them until proven otherwise on an individual basis. She especially admires Mr. Edgeworth for his serious demeanor, wit, and determination.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A

Character Plans:
Ema will be living with Jake and Godot (I've already cleared this with both muns.) She will be attending high school, and remaining neutral. She'll also probably be helping Jake on a lot of investigations. Oh, and shenanigans, lots and lots of shenanigans.

I don't have a lot of really set plans with her; I mainly just want a social muse to balance out my other, more anti-social muse. Hopefully, she'll be able to build up enough CR that I'll be able to get her involved in a lot more things.

Ema has long brown hair and blue eyes. She's usually seen wearing a blue school uniform with a large bow and a white lab coat. She also were's a pair of pink and white glasses used for luminol testing and carries a little pink bag of forensic testing supplies.
Canon appearance.

Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[The video feed of the NV clicks on to show Ema, who is looking very excited at the moment. Almost too excited; she was practically bouncing.]

So there are people here from all kinds of times and worlds right? So that means there must be people here that know new types of science! What kinds of sciences do you have in your world? How do you scientifically investigate crime scenes? What kind of forensic techniques do you use?

[Clearly, she doesn't realize that the average person won't know much about those topics, if anything at all. So she just sits there, eagerly awaiting what her fellow Newcomers have to report.]

Third Person Sample
Ema sat in the corner of the room, curled into a ball, a pillow squeezed to her chest. It was night. Worse, it was storming. Just like back then. Just like when she had almost been stabbed by Joe Darke, and Mr. Neil had...

The lightning flashed again, and the thunder rattled the house almost instantly. She clung even tighter to the pillow in response, burying her face in it. Why was she still so scared? She knew that the odds of something like that happening again were almost zero, especially with Mr. Marshall and Mr. Armando in the next room. She shouldn't be scared, because scientifically it shouldn't happen.

But scientifically, there shouldn't be any monsters outside either.

The lightning flashed again, and this time the thunder made a deafening cracking noise. A quiet whimper escaped her throat. She was so scared all she wanted to do was cry, but she had promised herself she wouldn't. Not over what had happened. Not ever again...

sirens pull, application

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