Privately written in the SRDI main computer
A Quincy.
I thought I had them all, but there really is another Quincy. The subject was discovered at an event in Rukongai, having travelled somehow between the material world and here. He was masquerading in shihakushou. He is alive, and he is not known of, unlike Ishida Uryuu, therefore making him a viable target.
A live Quincy could make things very interesting once again; they have always been my favourite subjects -- they are resilient and useful. Perhaps if he was exposed to the same virus that affected the Shinigami here in Seireitei, interesting results could be observed.
Nemu brought me a fingerprint sample, but without more evidence, there is no identifying the Quincy, despite his uncanny resemblance to Ishida Uryuu. Therefore I will authorise further investigation from the Twelfth Division.
To Ukitake Soutaichou
I would like to request permission to send my fukutaichou to the material world for intelligence purposes.
An order left to Nemu while he busies himself with sorting through old data on Quincys
A full report on my desk by sundown tomorrow. Leave nothing out.
Finally, I would like to request that people submit their communicators for reparation of an internal glitch. It might not have any effect now, but the last thing we need is for a communicator to become inoperable at an inoppurtune moment. The dates to submit your communicators are as follows:
- Division One and Two - Monday
- Division Three and Four - Tuesday
- Division Five and Six - Wednesday
- Division Seven and Eight - Thursday
- Division Nine and Ten - Friday
- Division Eleven and Thirteen - Saturday
Please use public terminals while your communicator is being repaired -- it will be returned the day after it has been submitted.