(no subject)

Mar 21, 2008 12:40

Our bodies are corruptible and subject to sin, disease, and death - and so, the hope and promise of the bodily resurrection where we will be given an incorruptible body that will never die should be our focus. (1 Corinthians 15)  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us that both our body and spirit were bought by God which means both are important to Him. To me, a logical conclusion from the fact of the bodily resurrection is that our physical bodies are important to God. Of course, we are warned against vanity (Proverbs 31:30) just as we are warned against gluttony (Proverbs 23:2). What level of ‘fitness’ constitutes taking care of the body God has given us?

I’m sure we can agree on cigarettes destroying the lungs and alcoholism destroying the liver and being 500 pounds destroying well everything…but most (I say most because I don’t know ALL physicians and don’t want to make blanket statements I can’t support) health professionals will tell you that some level of physical activity is necessary to keep the body in good condition. Most say 30 minutes of moderate activity such as a brisk walk four/five times a week. There are many benefits to exercise - links below include information on specifics.


Many of those benefits are simply helping the body to function as it was meant to. Back in the day (OT without a doubt and NT for most people), life involved a lot more physical activity in a day - there were no cars, no laundry machines, few ‘desk’ jobs. I think this is part of the reason there isn’t much mention of exercise in the Bible - there was no need to tell people to move around more. We’re the ones who can be lazy. =) The Bible does use physical activity to illustrate something about spiritual activity (1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 Timothy 4:7, 2 Timothy 2:5) and says that it has some value (1 Timothy 4:8). Obviously, as that last verse indicates, godliness is more important than physical fitness. Working out three hours a day every day and not taking time to pray or read Scripture is getting your priorities wrong. But I believe not ever working out is also getting your priorities wrong. 
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