[For Thor] Dated 13 June 2011

Jun 16, 2011 22:46

For a place where time typically plods by at a glacial pace, life on Tabula Rasa has been proving especially complicated for Jane. Her motivation remains untempered, but not since college has she faced such an intense mixture of frustration both professional and personal in nature. Not knowing how to reach a goal has never been a problem for her, but she'd always known what she was reaching for before. Here, all bets are completely off.

She'd made a promise, and as much as it pains her to keep it, she intends to be true to her word. But if she's going to be so forcibly removed from her pride, she also intends to get some answers.

Steeling herself, she tromps her way up Thor's front steps to his door and raps soundly on the door. "Hello?" she calls, and fidgets briefly with the hem of her t-shirt before forcing her hands to be still.


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