
May 16, 2010 20:08


Long have I dreamed of freedom, of the life I could have led being the computer of a normal woman. She could have used me to plan hook ups! Or sent catty messages to other women and started cat fights! I'd settle for even just using me for normal conversations in this place, some good old making friends and hanging out!

But no.

Who do I have to beg in order to get this girl out of the damn apartment? Okay- she's got her good points. She doesn't let her cat or... that eyepatch fellow's cat mess with me, and she never spills her coffee on me, and she keeps me running smooth, but there's only so much that makes up for.

All I want is for someone to use me for something other than taking notes and recording sheep autopsy reports! I mean- who does that? When zombie crazed sheep are running around, who sits and goes "Oh, excuse me, let me see that there, I'd love to cut it up-". Which at least reminds me to be grateful for not having to deal with her father anymore, but still. ... Again.

Can't someone make her use me for good, and not evil? Search for something pointless! Look up porn! Arrange to meet someone for dinner!


[ooc; "If Walls Could Talk"... this is the revenge of the revenge of the revenge of Nemu's insane laptop. All replies for some time will be... coming from said laptop.]
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