Well, the year is slowly coming to a close. Things are wrapping up and coming to its end. I'm trying to pinpoint the feelings I am experiencing. I am finally becoming conscience of the idea that I will be leaving soon and that I will be off into a new world so to speak, and I really don't know how to feel quite yet. If this was asked to me how I would feel at the end of the year a couple months ago I would without hesitation say I would feel no remorse leaving and being very glad to be moving on. But, I don't know. There is a lot I really hate about high school, but there are those few teachers and other students that mean a tremendous amount to me and now I don't feel like leaving them...I don't know. I have had to leave other groups of people with the transition to middle schhol and to high school and I didn't quite feel this way. I guess I have just matured and grown more into my feelings and I am just realizing how short time can be spent with certain people and then next thing you know you are gone and hardly to be remembered. Ah, I am kind of tired and I'm not sure I am really capable of putting my thoughts into words. Eh...I really don't want to form another sentence right now...
Good Night.
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