Relaxing stress.

Dec 01, 2005 18:21

Strange how my job can be stressful and relaxing at the same time. Yesterday evening I was working late while trying to copy a large amount of data from one database to another.
Normally this would have been an easy task of creating a database export, and then importing it back into the new database, but I have no intention of letting the DBA come anywhere near my database while it's in 'acceptance', so I had created a nifty little script which pulled all the data across the network.
Now I absolutely had to be sure that the data was there when the batch-trials would start this morning, thus there was nothing to do but wait for the data to stop loading and then checking whether it was correct.
By the time the data was finished loading (around 19:55) I had been able to :

  1. Read an entire book*.

  2. Evacuate the premises due to a fire-drill.

  3. Walk back upstairs.

  4. read 2 newspapers.

All this time hoping that the script wouldn't hit a bump in the road, and that it would be finished before security would kick me out because the wanted to close the building (at 20:00).In the end, the script finished in time.
Times like these do make me wish I was allowed to access LJ from work.

*) The Project Gutenberg eBook, Lady Into Fox, by David Garnett
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