Last... Saturday? I think. Yeah. Takes place last Saturday.
* Klavier has been riding around on his motorcycle, trying to remember the exact street Ema lives on. It's growing quite dark, making it hard to read the street signs. He finally slows down, recognizing the street and starts looking for the house. He finds it easy enough, pulling into the driveway. He turns off the engine, takes off his helmet and walks to the door, knocking loudly.
* Ema jolts up from where she'd been sitting on the couch, TV remote in hand, feet propped up on the homework laying strewn about the coffee table. She scrambles up and shuts the TV off, for a moment horrified that it might be Lana coming home early. It takes her a moment before she realizes that Lana wouldn't have any need to knock on her own front door though, and Ema's brows lower as she crosses over to the front door.
Ema: Uh... W-who is it?
Klavier: Is just me!
Ema: What the hell...
Klavier: ...Is Klavier. Open door, is cold.
* Ema frowns, and unlocks the door before opening it, looking a bit confused at the sight of Klavier.
Ema: Yeah, I know it was you, just...
Ema: What are you doing here?
* Klavier gestures with his thumb over to his bike in the driveway.
Klavier: I thought you'd be liking to go for a ride.
Ema: W-What? Out of nowhere? You should have at least called first. Lana's not home but...
* Ema glances back over her shoulder.
Ema: She could have been.
Klavier: ...And?
Klavier: She hab problem with you going out with friend for a little while? On Saturday?
Ema: Well... no... I guess she wouldn't. Maybe. I've got homework still, after all.
Klavier: You almost done, and hab all Sunday. *grins*
* Ema fidgets, looking apprehensive for a moment.
Ema: ... Maybe. But just a quick ride, because I'm not sure what time Lana is going to be back tonight.
Klavier: Okay, okays... How about we ride down to get ice cream? That won't takes us very long.
* Ema pauses for only a few seconds more, before shrugging her shoulders.
Ema: Alright. Lemme grab my coat first. You can... well, here. Just wait inside I guess. I'll only be a second though.
* Klavier steps inside and closes the door, leaning against it to wait for Ema.
* Ema hurries to her room, grabbing her lab jacket from the back of her computer chair. She takes a moment to check herself out in the mirror atop the dresser, frowning only slightly as she tucks a bit of hair behind her ear. Satisfied, she makes her way back to the entry way where Klavier is waiting, slipping on her shoes.
Ema: Mmkay, I'm ready.
* Klavier straightens out and opens the door, gesturing for her to go through.
Klavier: Let's go.
* Ema nods and walks out, waiting until Klavier has followed her before locking it.
* Klavier puts his helmet on and heads over to his bike, starting it up as Ema climbs on the back.
Klavier: So where do you want to go for ice cream?
* Ema wraps her arms around his middle tightly, humming quietly to herself in thought.
Ema: Aah... I think there's a Cold Stones somewhere around here, right?
Klavier: Ja, I think I pass it on way here. Hold on tight, okay?
Ema: O-Okay. Just get us there in one piece.
* Klavier pulls out of the driveway and drives; feeling Ema gripping tight around his middle. He drives around until he sees the Cold Stone he passed on the way, pulling into the strip mall its located in and parking his bike in the lot.
Klavier: We in one piece? *takes off his helmet and looks at Ema*
* Ema looks a bit windswept, but all in all just fine. She laughs, climbing off the back of the bike first before beginning to fuss with her hair.
Ema: Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Should have brought a better jacket though-- I'm freezing now.
* Klavier gets off the bike and opens the trunk, tossing his helmet in before locking it up.
Klavier: I guess we's shouldn't be eating ice cream if you're so cold! *he pulls off his leather jacket and drapes it over Ema's shoulders* We'll eat inside, and we be quick.
Ema: Ice cream is good, no matter how cold it is. *She points out, hugging the jacket to her* C'mon though, I wanna get inside now anyways.
* Klavier takes Ema's hand and walks inside with her, standing in line.
Klavier: So... What do you want? You want to just split something maybe?
Ema: Mm... sure. They give you a lot to eat here, so that's cool. I like vanilla for the ice cream itself.
Klavier: Okay so... Vanilla Love It size... with everything?
Ema: E-Everything?
Klavier: Ja. Sure. There's like... thirty seben mix-ins?
* Ema looks doubtfully at the case of toppings and treats.
Ema: Are you sure it won't taste... gross with all of them?
Klavier: Well, every bite taste different that way. So... If one bite doesn't tastes good, the next one will!
Ema: Hmm... *she leans around another customer, eyeing the case* Alright. If it tastes really gross though, you can't say I didn't warn you first.
Klavier: I hear they takes your picture when you order with everything.
Klavier: Does you want to go down in Cold Stone history?
* Ema laughs, and raises a hand to cover her mouth-- unsuccessfully trying to hide a small smile.
Ema: I've never heard about that before. But... sure. I'll do it.
* Klavier leans over to kiss Ema's cheek with a grin.
Klavier: It will be fun!
* Ema bats him away, and steps up to the countertop once it's their turn. She fidgets for just a second, before elbowing Klavier lightly in the side.
Ema: You order it. *She mumbles, looking a bit sheepish*
* Klavier turns to the clerk at the counter, swinging Ema's arm a little as he's still holding her hand.
Klavier: We will hab... a Love-It size in vanilla... with everything.
Cold Stones Employee: Alrighty then! Sure thing~! A-Are you sure you want... everything in it though? *The employee smiles brightly, covering up the grimace she wants to give. The last thing she needs is for some stupid kids to make a giant order-- only to change their minds at the last second.*
Klavier: Ahh... Yup. Everything. *grins wide*
Ema: Yeah, he's being serious.
* Ema adds in, still looking a bit embarrassed before shuffling down the line towards the register.
* Klavier moves along with Ema, eager, boyish grin still across his face as he watches the employee making his order
* Ema pulls Klavier's jacket a bit tighter around herself, watching with raised brows as slowly but surely each and every treat is mixed into the ice cream.
Ema: It looks really weird. *She says, looking over to Klavier*
Klavier: Weird? It look great! Is my birthday treat, I's allowed to hab things like this!
Ema: I didn't say I wasn't gonna eat it still! *She protests, pursing her lips* Oh... looks like it's done now.
* Klavier pays for the delicious ice cream treat; other employees and customers starting to form a crowd around Ema and Klav as they realize exactly what Klav just ordered. He puts his arm around Ema, letting her hold the cup of ice cream as an employee comes over with a Polaroid camera, snapping a picture -- just as Klavier kisses Ema's cheek.
* Ema resists the urge to chuck her spoon at the man, scowling and flushing as she steps away from him quickly after the picture.
Ema: C-Come on. Let's eat outside.
* Ema frowns at the lingering crowd, blushing all the more at the giggles and 'awwws' they were making.
* Klavier heads outside with Ema, reaching down to take her hand once again as they leave.
Ema: Huh... so you weren't lying about that picture thing.
*Ema cringes as she laces her fingers with Klavier's, thankful to be back out of the shop.
Klavier: I tolds you, I don't lie! I was going to do this with Daian, but I figure, if I's going down in Cold Stone fame, I want to be in picture with my pretty girlfriend!
* Ema scoffs, rolling her eyes at the mention of Daian, but gives Klavier's hand a small squeeze regardless. She spots a water fountain, right next to the tables outside, and tugs Klavier over to sit at the edge of it.
Ema: Here. I want to sit here.
* Klavier sits down at the edge of the fountain with Ema, smiling at her as he takes a small spoonful of his ice cream.
Klavier: Mm, peanut butter und raspberry, and... I think chocolate chip in there too.
* Ema stares intently at her own spoonful of ice cream, brows furrowed a bit.
Ema: Ooh... I think there's a Heath bar in this one. Wait... no. Maybe...
Klavier: Just gib it a try! *takes another spoonful, eating it quickly* ... I doesn't know what that flavour was.
* Ema shrugs before popping the spoon into her mouth.
Ema: I... I dunno what this is either. *She laughs* But... it's pretty okay.
Klavier: See? I told you it would be fun.
Klavier: Ah, ja, I wanted to asks you, Ema. *eats another spoonful* Dids you want to come to circus? They's hab a Valentine's show, and I has free tickets...
* Ema raises her brows, and tilts her head a bit with her next bite.
Ema: Mmm... oh! Oh! I know what circus you're talking about. *She pauses, before grinning wide* Aa, sure. I'll go with you. That... girl is gonna be there, right? The one that keeps posting about it on her Livejournal?
Klavier: Ja, Regina. She is animal tamer or something; I doesn't quite remember...
* Ema laughs again, and moves so that she's sitting cross-legged up on the fountain's ledge.
Ema: She seems pretty sweet. It could be fun there.
Klavier: Ja, I think it would be fun. I's not been to the circus since I was tiny, afteralls.
Ema: Same here. Lana took me to one when I was really, really young. I can't remember much about it though-- only that I really, really wanted to take home one of the pony ride ponies.
* Klavier chuckles as he takes another spoonful of ice cream.
Klavier: You's look like kind of girl who beg for pony when you was little.
Ema: Ha! Well, they were cute! What kind of little girl wouldn't want a pony to live in her living room?
Klavier: I guess they's are kind of cute. I's like purse dogs though.
Ema: ... Purse dogs? What's that?
Klavier: You know. Ah... Dog? Four legs, goes woof.
Ema: I-I know what a dog is. You mean like, a little dog? Like a Chihuahua?
Klavier: No, no... *shakes his head* I means, like... You know, purse dog.
Ema: Yeah. A dog small enough to put into a purse, right?
Klavier: No, no, other purse.
Ema: A handbag? Backpack? I guess those come in different sizes. *She blinks, taking a bite of ice cream.*
Klavier: No, no, not accessory purse. Like... Money purse. Ah, bitey fight purse?
* Ema frowns, and taps her bottom lip with her spoon.
Ema: Oh, a wallet? You're not allowed to fight dogs in this country, Klavier. If that's what you mean.
Klavier: No, not wallet. Ah, other form of purse. Money, you gets for win fight? I want fighty dog that isn't fighty.
Ema: ... I... I don't get what you're trying to say. A dog that fights but... doesn't? Like... a Pit-bull? A puppy though?
Klavier: Ja! Pit-bull! I likes those dogs, but I doesn't want a fighty one.
* Ema makes a face with her next bite of ice cream before managing a nod.
Ema: Ugh, ew... coconut... But... ugh. Yeah. They're good dogs, I guess. If you raise them right from when they're really really young.
Klavier: I might's get one someday. I too busy right now with work und my band and takings a pretty girl out for ice cream~
* Ema glances up at Klavier, giving him a small smile before looking away.
Ema: Ha, you should look for something easier then. Like a cat, or... mmn... well a cat is good. Only, they shed too much.
Ema: That's why Lana wouldn't let me get one when I was younger. I think she's allergic or something.
Klavier: I guess a cat be good... but I doesn't want it shedding on work clothes. I hear's cats like to sleep in clothes.
Ema: Dogs do too, if you leave your clothes on the floor. *She points out, gesturing towards him with her spoon.*
Klavier: I doesn't really want to be brushing cat hair off my clothes. I see's Edgeworth with lint brush every morning.
Klavier: I think he has hairy dog though.
Ema: Oh! Yeah, he has a dog. *She smiles brightly* Though, I can't imagine it being a very messy dog. I think he'd keep it really well groomed.
Klavier: It still shed a lot. Maybes I should get a bird like Kristoph has. He has little blue canary or something.
Ema: Oh? Your brother has a pet? *She asks, brows raising* I never figured him the type.
Klavier: Ja, he's had Dominique for a while. She very cute.
Ema: Aren't birds kind of messy though? All those little feathers and stuff. *She wiggles her fingers*
Klavier: I dunno *he shrugs* Kris keeps her cage clean so I's never see much mess in it. I guess they's are messy though. *smiles* Maybe I get like... pet rock!
Ema: Haha! Now there's a good idea, Klavier. Though I hear those are kind of hard to house train. *She grins over at him, resting one elbow on her knee, cheek resting in the palm of her hand.*
Klavier: Oh, that's okay. *Klavier finishes the last few spoonfuls of ice cream left in the cup* I let you raise it until it's housebroken. Then's I take it!
Ema: No way! I'll get too attached to it, after that. I won't wanna give it back to you.
Klavier: Well, I's just hab to see you in court then! But I's warn you, I hab best defense attorney in town.
Ema: Tsk, okay okay. How about joint custody? I'll keep it on the weekdays, and you get it... every other weekend? *She quirks a brow, grinning at Klavier*
Klavier: I hab gigs on weekends! I takes it Mondays und Thursdays.
* Klavier grins right back at Ema before leaning in to kiss her cheek.
Klavier: Or we just work it out.
* Klavier tosses their empty ice cream cup and spoons into the garbage can nearby.
Klavier: But, I guess I should be takings you home soon though, ja?
* Ema unfolds her legs, and stretches them out a bit with a nod*
Ema: Mmn... yeah. I shouldn't really stay out much longer...
* Klavier stands up and offers his hand to Ema.
Klavier: Come on, I take you home.
* Ema smiles, and rests her hand in Klavier's as she stands back up.
Ema: Aah, wait. You need your jacket back now.
Klavier: If you still cold, you's can keep wearing it.
Ema: Really? *She frowns slightly* Won't you freeze on the way back though?
Klavier: Is not a very long ride. Just put your arms through sleeves -- I doesn't want it getting lost in middle of road.
* Ema nods, and slips her arms through the jacket sleeves. She feels a bit funny with it on over her own coat, but it's warm and that's really what matters most.
Ema: Alright, let's get going then. *She smiles, and after a second's thought, holds back out her hand for Klavier.*
* Klavier smiles brightly as he walks back to his bike with her; getting out his helmet and starting the motorcycle up. Ema climbs on the back with him, holding on tight as they ride off, heading back to Ema's place.
* Ema is relieved to see that Lana's car is no where in sight as they pull back up to her house, and she finds herself resting her cheek against Klavier's shoulder blade as they pull to a stop in front of her driveway. She waits until he cuts the engine before loosening her grip around his middle, still lacking a bit of balance on the bike, even after it's stopped moving.
* Klavier smiles at Ema as she gets off the bike and strips herself of his jacket. He takes it and pulls it back on.
Klavier: Is shame we couldn't stay out longer. You should calls me next time Lana not home; we go for dinner again or something. Maybe movie too.
Ema: Sure-- just don't show up here out of the blue again, alright? Even... if I did have fun. *She smiles back, and rolls down the sleeves of her lab coat.*
* Klavier chuckles and takes off his helmet, his smile actually visible to her now.
Klavier: I's glad you did. I had fun too.
Klavier: I'll be sure's to call next time though.
Ema: Good. *The girl cracks a small grin, toying with the edge of her sleeves before leaning in, catching a quick kiss against his cheek* Ah, thanks again for the ice cream. I'll talk to you later, okay?
Klavier: Alright. Goodnight Ema. Call me tomorrow, okay?
Ema: Mmkay. *She takes a step back, hands clasped behind her back* Later Klavier. Drive safe.
Klavier: I will, Ema. See you later.
* Klavier puts his helmet back on and drives off.