Today I baked a double chocolate pound cake in the shape of a giant cupcake, Borders ate my money, and I got to karaoke for three straight hours (which included songs which I just made up, including the inspired number "Daleks in the Sun," a Peter, Paul, and Mary song which I thought was something different and I made up, and operatic renditions of crazy songs.).
But really, I have been tagged by
duck_or_rabbit. I tag whoever wants to do this and here it is:
Starting time: 1:18 AM
Name: Ally :D
Sisters: one
Brothers: two
Shoe size: 8.5
Height: 5'8"
Where do you live? In a room in a house.
Favourite drinks: Coke! Tea (Earl Grey, Honey Vanilla Chamomile, and Irish Breakfast), midori sours
Favourite breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese and waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.
Have you ever...
...been on a plane? Yep, and flown one....well, briefly.
...swum in the ocean? Yes. Too salty, not a fan.
fallen asleep at school? Hmmm, yes. Environmental Science and biology killed me about 4 times. Never in college (although once in Anime Club during a showing of Trinity Blood...that was technically at school).
...broken someone's heart? No. I try to be as careful as possible with others' hearts.
...fallen off your chair? Oh yeah. Missed the chair once and sat in a trash can next to it. Brilliance.
...sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? For the last year I did that. I'm still waiting, really.
...saved emails? Yep.
What is your room like? It is basically a library. I have three separate bookshelves (and one in another room), it is littered with tea pots and tea cups, cow things, and a gigantic Dublin flag.
What's right beside you? A pile of boxes that do not have a home from my old apartment.
What is the last thing you ate? Double chocolate pound cake.
Have you ever had...
...chicken pox? Yes, but I don't remember.
...a sore throat? Um, I had to sing for 5 hours straight at a choir festival once. That hurt. And I had all manner of random illnesses in Ireland.
...stitches? Nope.
...broken nose? Nope.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No, I am an extremely private person and I watch and wait to make decisions about people. I think I would really have to know and understand someone to love them.
Do you like picnics? Very much so. Especially in the mountains.
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with? Um, I danced by myself tonight at karaoke. But that was a sad sad thing. Dancing is not my forte less it be the muppet dance or the Macarena.
Who last made you smile? The geek squad.
Who did you last yell at? I yelled at my mother about someone else. I really don't yell often, however, as conflict makes me feel ill. I dream about yelling at quite a few people, however.
Today did you... to someone you like? Like in the platonic denotation of the word "like," yes.
...kiss anyone? Nope.
...get sick? Nope. to an ex? Nope.
...miss someone? Always.
Eat? Yes.
Best feeling in the world? People who you never expect surprising you and coming to bat for you.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Um, they sit as decorations on my bed (two cows), does that count?
What's under your bed? Cake pans without homes, a panini set, a duffel bag, a box for a cow shaped clock, and a laptop backpack.
Who do you really hate? Close minded people and cruel people.
What time is it now? 1:31. Past my bedtime.
Is there a person who is on your mind now? Yes, several.
Do you have any siblings? See above. Come on you lazies, scroll up! On no, you might get finger strain!
Do you want children? No. I don't even want to marry and I don't really enjoy dating.
Do you smile often? Depends. Really depends on where I am.
Are your toenails painted? Always in red.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in? The TARDIS'.
What colour shirt are you wearing now? Lavender. I don't even like purple.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday? Eating dinner.
I can't wait till: September 11th-23rd.
Are you a friendly person? Generally.
Do you have any pets? A spastic chocolate lab and a chesapeake bay retriever who is not the brightest bulb in the box.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? "That was another lifetime, and besides, they're gone."
Does the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? They're a friend.
Do you sleep with the TV on? No. I read before bed because my brain needs to be tired in order for me to sleep. Otherwise a mull over things and that is generally bad.
What are you doing right now? This meme? Hello, meme or stupidly obvious questions.
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes. And from the cab of my car, through the trunk, and out.
Can you handle the truth? Usually. There are some things I don't want to hear and I know them.
Are you too forgiving? No. I have a deep long memory and I bear grudges. I really try to forgive despite that, mostly, it just doesn't always work out.
Are you closer to your mother or father? I am very close to both of them.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mother, which was an odd occasion. Usually I go into my room, close the door, and turn my head to the wall, even if I am alone. I don't like burdening others.
How many people can you say you've really loved? This is a nebulous and poorly defined question. I love many people in many different capacities.
Do you eat healthily? Not so much.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? Yep.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? Last week. But what bothers me more are the things people don't say and won't say but you can still discern.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? The piano to play "Moonlight Sonata" and to a book to escape. Sometimes I write my best friend letters.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? Loud!
Are you confident? I know myself very well, although I am inordinately hard on myself a lot of the time. I know what I do well and I know what I suck at and it's all good.
Five things I was doing ten years ago:
1. I don't remember being 12, quite honestly.
Five things on my to-do list today: (I'm extending this to tomorrow)
1. Bake cake.
2. Send in last electric bill.
3. Write / outline current fic.
4. Go to work.
5. Fill up tires of car / get dirty old car washed. (the second part of this most likely won't happen).
Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Cheese-Its
2. Scrambled eggs
3. Things that are sweet
5. Whatever I happen to have on hand
Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Purchase my entire Amazon wishlist.
2. Buy an awesome house somewhere. With a massive library.
3. Travel everywhere.
4. Get my PhD.
5. Write novels.
Five of my bad habits:
1. I am anal retentive. About everything.
2. I avoid things I don't like.
3.Its a miracle if I pick up my phone. It is more of a miracle if I return your message.
Milieva, however, always has exemplary timing.
4. Hoarding books.
5. Telling people exactly what I think.
Five places I've lived:
1. The OC
2. San Diego
3. Dublin
4. You know, a friend of mine always says I don't move enough...
Five jobs I've had:
1. Secretary
2. Cop editor for literary journal
3. Tutor
4. Apprentice Teacher
5. Pain in the Ass!
Okay done!