The series finale of BSG left me feeling completely unsatisfied. A good number of questions that -needed- to be answered were left hanging.
The whole double-Earth thing? That makes -no- sense.
Cavil just spontaneously shoots himself? That seems awfully convenient.
What the -hell- is Kara? Are there two different Karas? Did one actually vanish, or did she just walk away while Lee was looking the other direction? Where's the whole 'Harbinger of Death' thing?
What's the deal with the virtual beings/angels?
God doesn't like being called God?
Is it just me, or did no one major die throughout this? Cavil, ok, sort of, along with the Fours and Fives. Tory, but she wasn't really a major character. Even Roslin survived to -enter- the promised land, which is directly against the prophecy.
Everyone just decided to give up all their technology, ship it off into the sun, and go -primitive-? Not bloody likely.
Hera is Mitochondria Eve? So all those other people vanished 100% without a trace.
Quite frankly, I am EXTREMELY disappointed. This entire last season was pretty much trashed. Finding Earth demolished was horrible, but they could've come back. -Ellen Tigh- as the last of the Five was absolutely -retarded-, but even then I was willing to be patient. I was so hoping that they'd be able to rescue this shoe from its season-long nosedive, but...
For those of you who I got into Battlestar Galactica: I'm so sorry. From beginning to end of Season 3, it was a fantastic show. But hey, it's just like every other TV show now - started off good, waned, and then eventually crumbled apart - planned ending or no.
(Yes, this is the short version.)