May 30, 2006 22:43
I went to see x-men with a good buddy o' mine sunday.
Despite all the bad critics (yeah ok it's not the same director who cares ? It's not like that gay shit Joel Shumacker who killed the batman franchise for almost a decade). I think it's the best of all 3. more fight and no gay shit. Vinnie Jones is one bad hooligan in this movie. Its just bad that we dont see him enough.
Loved the Phoenix, wich i never did in the comics.
Oh and there's a sentinel cameo that got me all excited :D
Pretty much sure its the last one. exept if they do like in the comic books and bring everyone back to life for some weird reasons just to kill them back 6 issues later.
Anyways, a Magneto prequel and a Wolverine spin-off (vinnie might be back in that one) have been confirmed for 2007.