An Eye on New Zealand

Aug 11, 2009 10:58

Ever heard of Russell Kirkpatrick?  Lyn McConchie?  Phillipa Ballantine?  Helen Lowe?

Do you know which of these New Zealand spec fic authors has coauthored three books with Andre Norton?

Which of these New Zealand authors can claim 2008's bestselling debut fantasy/scifi novel in the US (according to Bookscan)?

Which one of these spec fic writers was New Zealand's first podiobook author?

Which author is launching a four book epic fantasy series in September 2010?

Don't know?  Never heard of them?

Well, that is why the Core of SpecFicNZ is instituting NEW ZEALAND SPEC FIC BLOGGING WEEK this September 14-20th.  Afterall, New Zealand is the landscape of Lord of the Rings, of Narnia, of King Kong and Seeker.  It is a place where beautiful fantasy is not only filmed, but written.  However, New Zealand Spec Fic doesn't get much press. YET!  We at SpecFicNZ are hoping to change that.  We invite you to join us in that effort for one week in September.

Here's how:

1) If you are a New Zealand author of Spec Fic, showcase your work, pimp yourself, link to your work and the work of other New Zealand author's you admire.

2)  If you are a New Zealand Spec Fic fan, talk about the New Zealand authors you love.  Link to their websites and work.  Write a review.  Express your appreciation.

3) If you are not from New Zealand do some research. Seek out a New Zealand Spec Fic author to read and review.  Link to someone's work you appreciate.

And if you need more information, please go to  You can also link your Spec Fic treasure finds there.

I will be challenging myself to showcase something Spec Fic New Zealandy every day that week.  Can't wait to see what others do.

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