Sep 30, 2008 14:22
One would think I'd be back on xanga more now that school has started up again... well... I think I might just come back. But don't get your hopes too far up... blogging seems to have become a nuisance for me because no one really comments on what I'm saying and thus making me believe that my blogs have been in vain. Then in the back of my mind I realize that I read other people's blogs and don't comment on them all the time, so expecting you to read and comment when I, myself, have been known not to would be rather hypocritical. So, I'm putting my whining aside and updating.
School has been going well. I'm really liking my classes this semester and lab is always a good time. I'm actually sitting in a computer lab waiting for my chem lab to start.
I get paid on Friday... that can't come fast enough!! I'm ready for this weekend! Fully prepared to do nothing but have a grand time... and try on some bridesmaid dresses for my friend's wedding. I can't remember what color she wants, but I just have to pick out my own style because she's awesome and is letting us pick the styles we like!!! WOOO!!!
So, there's a little dog running around my grandfather's house that I'm trying to catch... I set up a box trap today with some dog food in it... so hopefully he'll fall for it, since I've been feeding him for a couple of weeks now. I skipped feeding him yesterday so perhaps he's hungrier than usual. I'll be happy when he's been to the vet and has a good home. :) I have a couple people lined up to take him if he ends up not having a collar on or an owner that I can find. If he has no one... I'm going to name him Booger.
When I walked into this building, it reeked of moth balls... obviously someone's been in the taxadermy closet. Blech. Blech for the mothball smell, not the taxadermed animals, they don't bother me so much.
Alrighty! Well, I'll try to keep updating on a more regular basis... and perhaps I'll start commenting more as well. ;)
~*~Shilo Elizabeth~*~