Bleach 379 and Nano

Oct 25, 2009 17:12


Skimmed through it yesterday while waiting for a class to start, and just barely got a chance to go back to it this morning, and I think I really like it.

First impressions - Hunh. This might be the first chapter I'd ship UlquiHime. Also, Byakuya is so yummy in black. Also also, hey, possible sibling-sibling interaction coming up! :D! Which is exciting, especially as it's so hard to find goodfic for it that doesn't turn into incest.

On second read, I'm still excited by the Byakuya-Rukia thing, but I'm really loving Ichigo's screwed-upedness. :D. For the first time in a while, I am actually looking forward to sticking with him for a while. I'm really curious as to how he's going to deal with his hollow; I don't think this is something the Vizard can help him deal with even if they're still alive :(...; he's going to have to figure this out for himself/with the help of his nakama, and it is going to be a long, long road getting him - fixed, I guess, though 'in control again and sane' might better fit. I'm sure there's going to be lots of hurt on all sides.

Oh, will that be fun to read :D.

Also, I can't wait until Ishida comes back to save the day at a pivotal moment comes back again. :D. He was so cool in this arc.

Oh, and quick question: So, nano 09 is about to start again. Again, I'm going to be posting what I write up as I go along (hopefully this time I'll actually get to 60K instead of 3K...). But:

Would you rather I:

Post it here under a cut
Post it here under a filter
Create a new handy-dandy f-locked journal and post it there.

I don't want to spam everyone, so your input would be appreciated :D.

random, nano, stuff, fandom, bleach

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