Looking to get a netbook soon-ish to supplement my use of Rodney (which cost a grand total of $568 and is not in the best of health). Anyone have any recs?
I bought my Lenovo Thinkpad X220 for $800 using the shareholder's purchase program (www.lenovo.com/spp and they DON'T check if you actually are a shareholder.) That was October 2010--I'm sure you can get better for less!
If you can stretch to $500, you can definitely get an actual laptop and not a netbook, and it'll last you a lot longer before you need a new one because the old one is too slow or is falling apart. ^_^
Unfortunately, between the looming medical bills and a new, accelerated timeframe for having to buy my own car (and car insurance. Why is adulting so expensive?), I probably can't. I'll definitely be doing some more shopping around, though, before I settle on anything. :).
ETA: They don't sell the X220 anymore, but the X131e is similarly specced and costs $499. http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/web/LenovoPortal/en_US/catalog.workflow:item.detail?GroupID=37&Code=X131E_AMDBASE_SAP&category_id=F6348A59E25F144AC4B0354ED9E5EE7D#.UIIWw8WHLy0
The entire X series is one I would recommend: http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/web/LenovoPortal/en_US/catalog.workflow:category.details?action=init¤t-catalog-id=12F0696583E04D86B9B79B0FEC01C087¤t-category-id=135A781CA29B4ECB9ADAD8E72CF6FD61#.UIIXHsWHLy0 (And man, I wish I were buying now--tech prices dropped a LOT for what I currently have!)
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