Title: Code of the Winchesters Genre/Rating: Gen, PG13 (preseries - Sam's about eight and Dean twelve) Characters: Sam, Dean, a pinch of John Words: About 3200 Notes: This is a birthday fic for the lovely
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Dean just hoped Sammy wasn’t planning on making a habit out of this, because in that case he’d have to find a way to get some coffee despite what Dad said.
Poor Dean. He's just so put upon!
And the whole scene with the crying? Oh, gosh. So cute and sad and sweet and adorable.
To always hate girls was still the first rule, but only unless they were pretty and smelled good. Or if they were nice, which was added on Sam’s insistence. Dean didn’t mind.
Oh. That's just so them.
Dean studied him for a moment before nodding his agreement. In the end, the rule amounted to not being a crybaby unless you had a nightmare, broke a bone (or your nose), or got shot. Dean thought about it a little before adding, “or if you have to kill something”. Because when Sammy had to kill something, which he would eventually, that would be scary for him. Well, Dean hadn’t killed anything on his own yet so he couldn’t be completely sure, but it was bound to be a little scary, and Sammy should
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Hi. I couldn't find an e-mail address for you, so I apologize for doing this here. I was wondering if you could please recognize found_fic_spn on these stories as it appears the comm is the impetus. Obviously, as a member you've enjoyed the comm/idea, and it would be nice for a wider audience to see all the hard work writers put in, plus an opportunity for new authors to maybe use the prompts themselves. I'm more than happy to discuss this with you - my e-mail is on my bio page. Thanks!
Ah ha ha. I like that. I'll bet they had codes and rules and secret handshakes and knocks and...all kinds of things. Just...wee boys... *beams at them*
I can't remember the last time a fic actually made me laugh out loud. This was just too cute and perfect and just...AWWWW! And the ending line? There's no word for it other than amazing. LOVED this.
Comments 36
Dean just hoped Sammy wasn’t planning on making a habit out of this, because in that case he’d have to find a way to get some coffee despite what Dad said.
Poor Dean. He's just so put upon!
And the whole scene with the crying? Oh, gosh. So cute and sad and sweet and adorable.
To always hate girls was still the first rule, but only unless they were pretty and smelled good. Or if they were nice, which was added on Sam’s insistence. Dean didn’t mind.
Oh. That's just so them.
Dean studied him for a moment before nodding his agreement. In the end, the rule amounted to not being a crybaby unless you had a nightmare, broke a bone (or your nose), or got shot. Dean thought about it a little before adding, “or if you have to kill something”. Because when Sammy had to kill something, which he would eventually, that would be scary for him. Well, Dean hadn’t killed anything on his own yet so he couldn’t be completely sure, but it was bound to be a little scary, and Sammy should ( ... )
You really hit Dean - love and support and strenght and sacrefice and denial - so perfectly there.
Oh, thank you. That's an awesome compliment.
You're so amused you're amused like Jared Padalecki - head thrown back, clapping, laughing - you know, the full works.
Just...wee boys...
*beams at them*
Wee boys are awesome.
Also? *bows to the ducky*
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