today at karate was my last adult class before i go back. we went though basics, kicked the wavemasters a bit, then i got to spar big chris which is always fun cause he is like a super weightlifter ripped guy and could take someone's head off with his left hook. i knew he liked to use this so i kept just the right distance and hammered his left bicep till he couldn't use it then i was pretty free to use my speed and just hit him with anything i felt like for the rest of the match w/o fear of a counter punch. for the advanced class we went upstairs and kicked the bags for awhile. joey chuck chuck pushed the one bag across the beam and it scraped the paint off and it looked like it was snowing in the room but instead of snow it was lead paint lol. after that we went down and did some more self defense and finished up with sparring. I sparred my genny, joey chuck chuck, chris again, and finished up against smully. it was fitting casue we both have a similar style of fighting and both have been training for so long. it was a good workout and a fitting end to this summer's adult classes. thats about it for now so i will leave you with this:
WormBoy212: did you get the email about cell bio?
wessch277: which one
WormBoy212: please don't tell me that Dr. Bitch is our teacher... :-(
wessch277: the seminar one
wessch277: yes she is
WormBoy212: FUCK
wessch277: that makes me sad
WormBoy212: recruit the little unsuspecting freshmen
wessch277: hehe exactly
wessch277: just pick them up
wessch277: ru joining kempo club
wessch277: wes offers u his protections
WormBoy212: hehe
WormBoy212: and if not you just side kick them through a board
wessch277: lol exactly
wessch277: oh man i had to do that to a guy yesterday
wessch277: he was an ex marine
WormBoy212: christ
wessch277: and he thought he could just be as rough as he wanted w/ the underbelts
WormBoy212: eh...
wessch277: so we sparred and he was getting out of hand so his ribs ran into my foot and i almost put him through the wall
wessch277: there is like a dent there lol
wessch277: a marine sized one
wessch277: we were changing and there was just a foot sized red streak right across his ribs. i bet he was hurting today
WormBoy212: that's impressive
WormBoy212: yeah i learned my esson the first time you sent me airborne
wessch277: haha that was funny cause i just went through the motions
WormBoy212: the motions that sent me into orbit?
WormBoy212: and sanitary bathrooms for you, finally
wessch277: oh i'm pumped
wessch277: ESPN1139: and I can just lay down on the shower floor on day 1 and enjoy the great space and cleanliness
WormBoy212: no more 3 stall drill
wessch277: yes its just 1 stall drill now
WormBoy212: the toilets are like golden thrones and the showers are like big private cleanliness booths
wessch277: lol
WormBoy212: compared to sherwood
wessch277: its so true
wessch277: when i was getting my pizza bagels i caused an avalanche in the freezer
Jade0652: good job
wessch277: i saw everything tipping over so i shut the door really quick
Jade0652: lol
Jade0652: u and ur cat like reflexes
wessch277: so its not going to be me who makes the big mess :-P
wessch277: haha it was
wessch277: its whoever opens the freezer next
wessch277: i like shut it really quick and walked away whistling
As the summer rolls on and it gets hotter and hotter, folks seem to find it tougher and tougher to get a grip on reality. Like in Charlotte, North Carolina, where parents are sending their kids to Harry Potter Camp. I guess last years band camp ass kickings weren't demeaning enough... These poor kids might as well start weeping about the prom now.
- Lewis Black
wessch277: and we agreed that neckbeard isn't allowed in our room
ESPN1139: good
ESPN1139: he's not allowed within 5 feet of me hyrule
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low
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Dante Inferno Hell Test