Title: Open Secret
Fandom: Gackt, Hyde
Genre: Shounen Ai, Drabble
Pairing: GakuHai
Rating: PG
Language: English
Note: This is just a translation and english is not my first language. I hope that there aren't too many mistakes in it, because this fic has just 100 words and that would be very embarrassing xD Luckily I hadn't to play around with the word too much to get a real drabble - to write the original (german) version was much harder :3
Disclaimer: Gackt and Hyde belong to themselves and I don't get money with this stuff.
>> Hyde's PoV <<
„I'm a vampire.“ That were his words ... always ... since I know him.
„I was born in 1540“, he stated when we met the very first time.
„But ... you're still looking good for that age, Gackt-san“, I answered.
„I'm a vampire“, he said and looked at me through his darkened glasses.
„You're standing in the sunlight, Gackt.“
„It doesn't matter.“
„I'm a vampire.“
„Your kisses are just too soft for that, Gacchan.“
„I'm a vampire.“
„Hn~ not nooow. I want- ah!“
„I'm a vampire.“
„I know.“
„I love you.“
„Yes ... my Angel.“