Jan 11, 2005 21:34
Wow do I ever feel better. I think I'm getting like this because a) it's night time, and this kind of tends to happen as it gets later, b) I'm pmsing, and I don't care what the pysch book says, I've noticed that I get really down in the week before..., and c) school has recently restarted for good this week, after a very very long break. Oh yes, and d) semester exams, the final things I have to do that really really count, are coming up. So yeah. After rationalizing myself, I feel better. Not good, but better. And watching horrendously obese people on tv helped also. Cuz as fat as I feel, I at least am not that big. God damnit! I'm getting so annoyed... My parents keep fucking postponing my goddamn things. "Oh, the weather's bad." Boo fucking hoo. Does anyone care about my sanity?! Guess not.
Nervous habits I have:
1. Chewing on the inside of my cheek.
2. Picking the skin off my fingers and toes.
3. Biting/picking at my fingernails.
4. That blanket thing.
After reviewing these, I've decided that I definitely have to be doing something with my hands if I'm nervous.
Wow, aren't you glad that I felt I had to tell you that information. *big goofy grin*
(I'm such a spazz.)