Day 66 - 67

Aug 12, 2008 00:33

Day 67
Your Name: Der Tod
Suicidal Ideation: 0/10
Homicidal Ideation: 10/10
Amount of Sleep Last Night: 3 hours. Two days in this damned cold is starting to effect my mood.
Any Lucid or Vivid Dreams? Explain.: Hardly. Being unable to sleep, I was unable to dream.
Moods Experienced Today: Annoyance, Intrigue
Mood Triggers: Cold, Library
Significant Thoughts of the Day: Despite being chilled, I was pleased to spend my time in the library today. I was on an interesting vein of study when I was forced to leave for dinner. I must find more time to spend in the library. Perhaps an after-hours visit is in order.
Favorite Time of Day and Why: Library Time. The visit provided a great deal of stimulation.
Least Favorite Time of Day and Why: Leaving the library. That is easily remedied.
How You Are Enjoying Your Therapy: ..Perhaps I should cease avoiding Balthier. It wasn't intentional, I assure whoever is reading this. Visiting has simply been out of my way.
Noticeable Improvements: Unless you think my seeing my own breath is an improvement, then no.

[OOC: Strikes are deleted]
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