Wow. So in two weeks I'll be gone. Can you believe it? I can't believe it.
Today I went in do check all the items I have in my kit for basic. We made a quick trip down to Esquimalt to pick up more boots and towels and other random stuff... I also got to bring every last piece of kit back home with me, so I have a green camouflage mountain taking up a large portion of my room.
I have to check the list of what I need for when I'm on basic and pack it into my duffle bag. I'm a bit confused as to how many bags I can bring on the airplane with me, but uh I guess I'll email the training sergeant.
I'm scared and nervous and trying to pretend I'm not leaving so soon and for so long. I'm trying to just... continue on normally. Sticking to my comfort zone because soon it'll all be gone.
I need to figure out what personal items I want to bring aside from all my kit. I'm not bringing my laptop but I am bringing my iPod.
I'd recommend if anyone wants to stay in touch with me somehow, to follow me on Twitter:!/KatfaizSince I can just text with that and I'll have my cellphone on me. My tweets are private though, since I get a LOT of spammy followers and @ messages and bots retweeting things I say. It's weird. Feel free to follow me.
Also emailing would work too, with this address:
I also have Facebook mobile but I don't plan on using that as often.
LOL the training sergeant today was trying to make conversation on the long drive to Esquimalt, and he asked if I had a boyfriend.
it just makes me laugh because i don't think it's possible to look any gayer than i do
idrc though w/e, I'm not dating anyone and I can serve openly gay, if it happens to come up, so I have nothing to hide.
Oh, I also have to write an autobiography to hand in the first day of basic. It's not bad, 400 words... handwritten (in blue ink, specifically). I'm mostly just lazy about actually doing it lol.
ugh i've been awake like 17 hours :C what is life