I found a supar low quality pic of which songs she sings in this concert (is there liek, a website up on it? @_@) And yay there's some good songs! (Of course)
I can't read them all, but in this order:
Sing, Sing, Sing
I Don't Mean a Thing
Lullaby of Broadway
42nd Street
New York, New York
The Takarazuka medley includes:
a bunch of songs I can't read
Assala's song from Season of Angels! BURONZU NO HADA~ EXOTIC!
Subete no Ai wo! ahhh such an Asako song
紫に匂う花 From that Akanesasu one. Ooooh I really like that song. *_*
A song from "A"-Rex. Umm hurr can't read the title. ><;
Me and My Girl and Lambeth Walk from MeMai. But of course!
And then she sings ALive again! *o* I loooove that song eeeee.
Then there's some Caminito and Libertango songs (buh?)
She sings Ai to Shi no Rondo and Saigo No Dansu! *flails* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I WANT TO HEAR THEM. Not that I haven't heard them both A MILLION TIMES BEFORE, but.
Thennnnnnnnn she sings Applause Takarazuka and Apasionado!! again. HOMG I HOPE THOSE PANTS MADE A RETURN. And Killer K and Akatsuki and El Vient. Eeeeeeeee!
Then the last songs are This is the Moment and ALive, again. AM I READING THIS RIGHT, DOES SHE NOT SING KISEKI? This list must be wrong, she has to sing that song. o_o
Also, each of the parts are all titled with a word starting with "A" again... It goes:
Acute (or, alternatively, A Cute)
LOL AGOG, DAT WORD. Ok so I looked it up and apparently it is a word, but I've never heard it used and it sounds funny lololo Asako. ily
Also this picture is quite popular on the news sites right now:
/refuses to comment more
I want merchandise for this to come out for me to buy. 8| I mean I know there's a program book and chirashi and keychains and glowsticks... BUT I NEED TO BUY IT ONLINE. I guess I can always ask Sandy to search for the program book for me. /really shouldn't be wasting more money wahhhh
this is just the most adorable picture of her. Really.
The Three Musketeer's website has been updated with more information.
And by "more information" I mean not much more information. There's not any new sparkly pictures for me to look at, but it's still fabulous.