Bwaaaaaaa~ I was so excited when I came home today to this:
OMFG >o< Jun Sena is so hot and oh my gawd I don't know enough Japanese to understand what's written in the magazine but the pretty ladies are so pretty and nice to look at.
It was so cheap, too, I wish I had more money to buy more back issues and get MOAR TAKARAZUKA.
It came with a poster of a girl who looks vaguely similar to Chieco Kawabe or whatever her name is. Also there's stickers of JUN SENA and they're really hot but I don't know where to stick them, or if I should stick them anywhere at all. :x decisions
also lol, when searching through google endlessly for Jun Sena, I came across a page on JOHN CENA. wat omg do not want
I managed to get a hold of one of those magical 414mL bottles of Coke from the Chevron. It was delightful. I wanted to keep the bottle in my collection but it has disappeared. o.O Maybe it'll show up eventually. I wanted to take a picture of it.
Heehee, so cute.
In other news, I've been watching the Rose of Versailles anime. It's really good! I'm totally in loev with Oscar, she's so noble and a gentleman I squee~
Oh and I also found it really amusing last night when Sam said the kind of women I'm interested in are "azn XY" women. LOL D: