That summarizes what I feel now. I've been beaten up too much to let this hardened steel defense I've built come crashing down. From now on my thoughts are my own...others be damned. I'm pretty much tired of having my life intruded on, so once I move out...communications with my parents will cease or at least become incredibly sporadic. To christen this voyage (yes thats how's really spelled, its not the same word) I will begin by offlining this journal. Gonna bring the whole thing down. It has become incredulously obvious that a good number of people can't handle, much less stand me either being right at the top of my lungs or just angry. You people out there know who you are. If you don't...stop and examine yourself for a moment...are you agitated or find yourself thinking how you'd like to correct or otherwise bash me? Chances are you are, in fact, one of those people I speak of. I've been yelled at, smarted off to, hurt in many ways and criticized (and not the constructive kind) on this thing and I think its time I revoked everyone the privilege of reading what I think.
If you approve then you may comment, if you disapprove, you may shout obscenities at your monitor.