Google image search the following:
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. The place you live.
3. Your favorite color.
4. The place you want to get married.
5. Your first love.
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable.
7. Your favorite animal.
8. The last name of your favorite actor or actress.
9. The name of a pet.
10. Your favorite song.
11. A bad habit of yours.
12. Your middle name.
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
18. And I want one of these.
2. The place you live.
Not a great picture, but you can see 5 Points in it.
3. Your favorite color.
I chose green, and this picture came up. Who can say no to that?
4. The place you want to get married.
I don't want to get married.
5. Your first love.
Okay, so I have to say my first "love" was this girl from Texas (when I lived there) named Tori, but this picture came up instead... and he's a lot better-looking, even for a cartoon.
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable.
Pears are the shiznit.
7. Your favorite animal.
Okay, so I don't know why, but ever since I was little I have loved Lemurs.
8. The last name of your favorite actor or actress.
Her feats are truly inspirational.
9. The name of a pet.
10. Your favorite song.
"Mister Mistoffelees." And right now he's also my favorite person and actor in the show, because he's just... nice. And being nice is good.
There are some huge assholes in this show.
11. A bad habit of yours.
12. Your middle name.
You got this one.